How To Delete A Section Break In Word For Mac
How to make my iphone the touchpad for my macbook. This method will guide you to show all paragraph marks and hidden formatting symbols in the Word document, and then manually delete the specified section break easily. See the following steps: 1. Click Home > ( Show/Hide Editing Marks) to show all paragraph marks and hidden formatting symbols in current document. Place the cursor before the specified section break, and then press the Delete key to remove it. See screenshot: 3.
For removing more section breaks, please repeat above Step 2. Remove all section breaks with Find and Replace feature in Word. You can also remove all section breaks from current Word document with the Find and Replace feature in Word. Please do as follows: 1.
Click 'Special' and choose a type of break to find, such as 'Section Break.' When you choose an option, Word inserts a code representing the break into the 'Find What' field, such as '^b' for a section break or '^m' for a page break. If your blank page occurs in the middle of a document (and is not caused by an Odd/Even Page section break), there is a remote chance that it is caused by a plethora of empty paragraphs, but more often it is the result of a manual page break. Start to Insert Page-Section break in Your Document. Step 1#.In the first step, I am going to tell you about page break. To insert page break first, you need to open your document then click on break option. When you open, on the new window you see some options.The first three option depends to page breaks. Even and Odd Page Breaks: Insert a section break and also take you to the next even or odd page (depending on which break type you select) so you can format your alternating pages in a document. Remove All Breaks of Kutools for Word allows you to remove all breaks with one click. Kutools for Word, a handy add-in, includes groups of tools to ease your work and enhance your ability of processing word document. Free Trial for 45 days! Please apply the utility by clicking Kutools > Breaks > Remove All Breaks. See screenshot: 2.
Click Home > Replace (or press Ctrl + H keys simultaneously) to open the Find and Replace dialog box. See screenshot: 2. In the coming Find and Replace dialog box, please (1) type ^b in the Find what box, (2) type nothing in the Replace with box, and then (3) click the Replace All button. See screenshot: 3. A Microsoft Word dialog box pops out and tells you how many section breaks it has deleted.
Please click the OK button to close it. Close the Find and Replace dialog box. So far, all section breaks have been removed from current document already. Remove all section breaks using VBA. Apart from above Find and Replace feature, you can also quickly remove all section breaks from current document with VBA in Word. Please do as follows: 1. Press Alt + F11 keys together to open the Microsoft Visual Basic for Application window; 2.
Click Insert > Module, and then paste the following VBA codes in the new module window. VBA: remove all section breaks in Word Sub DeleSectionBreaks() Selection.Find.ClearFormatting Selection.Find.Replacement.ClearFormatting With Selection.Find.Text = '^b'.Replacement.Text = '.Forward = True.Wrap = wdFindContinue.Format = False.MatchCase = False.MatchWholeWord = False.MatchByte = False.MatchAllWordForms = False.MatchSoundsLike = False.MatchWildcards = False.MatchFuzzy = False End With Selection.Find.Execute Replace:=wdReplaceAll End Sub 3. Then click Run button or press F5 key to run the code. And then the section breaks will be removed in bulk at once. Remove all section breaks with Kutools for Word.
Hello everyone, Working closely with Word for almost a year as an editor, I've gotten used to the fact that it likes to pull pranks on you. And sometimes you have to conduct some crazy manipulations to do some simple things. I wonder if deleting a page after a Section Break Next Page is an example of that. I know that the page that follows is the result of the type of the Section Break, which in this case is 'Next Page', so Word automatically adds a new page after it. I have to delete the Section Break Next Page first, but it controls to many formatting elements (the page has a different header and footer and page orientation), so deleting it results in losing all that formatting.
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Is it possible to delete the page after Section Break Next Page painlessly? I attached an example file just in case.
(I use Word 2007) Thank you very much for your help. Thanks for your reply, Ulodesk. But it only solves half of the problem. As I mentioned (and as you can see in my example file attached), the page that needs to be deleted has a different header and footer. When you delete Section Break Next Page on the previous page, it 'inherits' the footer and header of the deleted page.