How To Use Goal Seek In Excel For Mac
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Nov 13, 2018 Just in case you weren't aware of it, the Goal Seek command is available on the Ribbon by clicking the What If button in the Analysis group of the Data tab.
How To Use Goal Seek In Excel
The Goal Seek function is a valuable feature that lets the user back into the value for an unknown variable in an equation. For example, the typical financing arrangement for leasing a car will usually provide an interest rate and lease term, such as 6% over 60 months for a car valued at $25,000. Using the PMT formula in Excel, the estimated payment for these lease terms is $483.32. Here is the layout of the key variables, as well as the output provided by Goal Seek: Car Loan Repayment Schedule Interest Rate 0.06 Loan Duration 60 Total Loan Amount 25000 Payment $483.32.
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