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If your PowerPoint slide has umpteen shapes or slide objects, you may find that some of these objects are hidden or overlapped. Or you probably do not know if there are any objects hidden behind the large shape or picture on your slide? How can you tackle this issue? It's easy to solve this problem if you know how to work with Reorder options.
Microsoft® PowerPoint 2016 Quick Reference Card The PowerPoint 2016 Screen Keyboard Shortcuts The Fundamentals To Create a New Presentation: Click the File tab, click New.Or, press Ctrl + N. To Open a Presentation: Click the File tab and click Open, or press Ctrl + O. To Save a Presentation: Click the Save button on the Quick Access Toolbar, or press Ctrl + S.
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These Reorder options allow you to bring forward any shape or slide object so that it stays right on top of all other objects. Similarly, you can send any shape or slide object behind everything else on your slide. The Reorder options can be accessed in several ways: • Access the Home tab of the. Then click the Arrange button to summon the Arrange drop-down gallery, as shown in Figure 1. All the options required to reorder can be seen highlighted in red within Figure 1. These options may be greyed out if you have not selected any slide object on the active slide. • Figure 1: Order Objects options let you reorder slide objects • Alternatively, you can right-click (or Ctrl+click) a shape to access the same options from the contextual menu (shown later in Figure 3).
Follow these guidelines to use the Reorder options in: Bring to Front • Make sure you have the shapes appropriately placed before using the Reorder options. As you can see in Figure 2, the Triangle shape is placed behind all the shapes. • Figure 2: Triangle shape is placed behind all the other shapes • Select the shape you want to change the order for using either the or the. Then carefully right-click (or Ctrl+click) it to bring the contextual menu shown in Figure 3. Thereafter, choose the Bring to Front Bring to Front option, as shown in Figure 3. Alternatively you can select the Bring to Front option within the Arrange drop-down gallery of the Home tab in the Ribbon, as shown in Figure 1, above).
As for iTunes, streaming iTunes content was interrupted and can't be reaccessed.The outage appears to be affecting Apple customers in multiple countries, including the United States, the UK, and Germany. Apple mac mini 499 usd review for ios development. Given the volume of reports, most if not all users seem to be unable to access Apple's services. The App Store, iTunes, Apple Music, and other Apple services appear to be experiencing downtime right now, with multiple MacRumors readers reporting outages across multiple systems.When attempting to access the App Store, users are receiving a message that it can't be reached, while Apple Music says 'We've run into a problem' when attempting to access the For You or Browse features.