Adobe Elements 13 For Used For Windows And Mac

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  1. Adobe Elements 13 For Used For Windows And Mac

Adobe Elements 13 For Used For Windows And Mac


As you might know, if you are a developer who needs to do graphics – you don’t need full-blown Adobe Photoshop, you can just get Photoshop Elements. It typically costs between $50-75 for the latest version. I’ve been using some version of Elements since it came out, and there has only be one thing that I found is “lacking” – and that is kerning. As far as I can tell, with Elements, you can’t specify the spacing between the letters – which is sometimes important. Aside from that, the other 99% of what you’d need to do, you can do with this product. With that said, absolutely every other part of dealing with Adobe, the software, the licensing, activation, and finding information has been a complete train wreck, like always!

In my professional opinion, I have not run across a company that “does it all wrong”, more than Adobe – with everything they touch! In fact, they even REQUIRE my birthday now, to use Photoshop Elements – it’s REQUIRED!! What legal, ethical, moral, physical, or spiritual reason does a corporation need to have my birthday, in order for me to use my legally-acquired software!? Man alive, is this company doing it all wrong! OK, moving on. How bad can it get, right? Licensing: Trying to stay positive, here!

🙂 OK, you might not know that if you buy a license for Photoshop Elements, you can have the software installed on a 2nd computer. It has to be the same end-user, and you can’t use the software at the same time on both machines. (laughing aloud) Even finding this, was complicated. I first had to find the licensing details on the site (which wasn’t easy) – and then wanted to find the wording of this, and I found it, just on principle. It took a little but, but it is on. Yes, the document starts in Arabic, and the English part starts on page 113. That is the one place this is written down, in one enormous PDF document where the English-language version is buried 100 pages in!

I don’t even know where to start with how stupid that is. Anyhow, here is the legal text: 2.1.3 Portable or Home Computer Use. Subject to the restrictions set forth in Section 2.1.4, the primary user of the Computer on which the Software is installed under Section 2.1 (“Primary User”) may install a second copy of the Software for his or her exclusive use on either a portable Computer or a Computer located at his or her home, provided that the Software on the portable or home Computer is not used at the same time as the Software on the primary Computer. I found that PDF from this page: Installing Photoshop Elements 12 on a Mac: In my case, I picked up Photoshop Elements 12 a few months ago from Amazon.

Despite me buying the PC/Mac version, the downloader on the Amazon site only has the PC version. OK, no problem, I’ll just go to the Adobe site. What are the operating systems for mac. They’ve switched to a “lease”, or “subscription” model – so they are really pushing that, and only give you access to “try” or “buy” version 13, but I need version 12.